Airbnb Experiences (In Tokyo)

[Out of service now] TAKOYAKI Dinner Party With Local People. (In Shibuya, Tokyo)
You can enjoy cooking and eating Takoyaki with local people. Takoyaki is Octopus balls. If you don’t like an octopus, you can have other options. Everybody is welcome including solo-travelers, students and kids!

Write personal kanji name & Learn easy Japan travel phrases. (In Shinjuku, Tokyo)
1, Isseki will suggest a Japanese name while listening to your personality and wishes. The name will be chosen from over 2,000 KANJI characters based on your actual name, personality and preferences. Using a Japanese brush, let's write your name.
2, Isseki will teach you some useful Japanese phrases for your trip. You will learn greetings and simple conversation in restaurants. No prior knowledge is necessary.
My name is Isseki (Japanese)

I live in Tokyo. I give foreigners who come to Tokyo local experiences or share information of Japan on social media.
When I was 23 years old, I traveled around the world alone in a year. I received a lot of kindness and hospitality from people from 40 countries. That experience motivates me to do this activity.
●Introduce Japanese culture. →Instagram (@tokyoexperiences)
●Introduce Japanese culture in Japanese. →Podcast (Spotify, Google, etc.) / →Podcast (Apple)
●Community for Japanese learners. →Discord (NihonGO School)